Misr Radiology Center
The Leading Imaging Center in Egypt
Announces the Establishment
MRC Academy for High End Magnetic Resonance for Educational, Research and Training Purposes
PET/MRI, 3 Tesla & 1.5 Tesla MRI
Misr Radiology Center
The Leading Imaging Center in Egypt
Announces the Establishment
MRC Academy for High End Magnetic Resonance for Educational, Research and Training Purposes
PET/MRI, 3 Tesla & 1.5 Tesla MRI
The academy covers, but is not limited to:
1. Educational Training:
For doctors and technicians, by esteemed subspecialized Radiology professors and chief technicians, including:
2. Research:
Performing any type of research in PET/MR and high end MR applications (Neuro, Body, MSK, Cardiac) tailored for an individual, a specific group or companies.
3. Trials:
All the above is subject to acquiring proper patients’ consents.
MRC is located in Cairo, Egypt with multiple branches across the city.
The training is tailored according to the needs of the client, which is discussed in a briefing meeting, followed by a full proposal for the proposed program that fits your objectives. You’ll be trained by our highly experienced staff in a hands-on environment.
The duration and cost vary depending on your needs. Details will be enclosed in our proposal sent to you post the briefing meeting.
At Misr Radiology Center, we perform most of the metabolic/functional high end MR techniques on both our 3Tesla unit and 1.5Tesla unit, in addition to our newly installed PET/MRI machine.
1) MR Spectroscopy
This is done for all brain lesions whether neoplastic or non neoplastic and also for all types of neurological diseases including epilepsy, autism, and leukodystrophies.
This is done using single voxel and multi-voxel using various echoes and with high quality post processing.
Spectroscopy of the spinal cord can be also performed particularly on the 3Tesla MR unit.
2) MR Perfusion
This is done by various perfusion methodologies like non contrast perfusion or arterial spin labeling as well as post contrast perfusion such as T1 perfusion (permeability imaging) and T2 perfusion (susceptibility imaging) and also done for brain focal lesions as well as cases of stroke and epilepsy.
Perfusion of the spinal cord is also performed particularly on the 3Tesla MR unit.
3) MR Diffusion Imaging
This is done using traditional diffusion with ADC maps and also as apart of IVIM that acquires true diffusion and pseudo diffusion as well as allowing performance of diffusion kurtosis and perfusion fraction.
4) MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging with MR Tractography
This is done for the brain and spinal cord with qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data and again for brain lesions and for neurological and even psychiatric conditions if needed.
5) Functional MR Studies, which includes:
6) PET/MRI study
Read more about all PET/MRI applications here: https://bit.ly/3tsg3K4
We offer our platforms for the referring clinicians whether neurosurgeons or neurologist or psychiatrists as well as non medical referrals from psychologists, learning disability experts and educational experts, in addition to all pharmaceutical research.
If interested, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Yasser Abdelazim, Partner & Head of MRI Unit
Email: yasser.abdelazim@misrradiologycenter.com
Mobile: (+2) 01005431177
Dr. Ahmed El Zoghby, PET/MRI Senior Radiologist
Email: ahmed.elzoghby@misrradiologycenter.com
Mobile: (+2) 01113000123
Ms. Doha Tantawy, COO
Email: doha.tantawy@misrradiologycenter.com
Mobile: (+2) 01001393380
Mr. Mohamed Ashour, Marketing Executive
Email: ashour.m@misrradiologycenter.com
Mobile: (+2) 01227538981
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